Introducing... The Powerful Parents of Autism - Berwyn
On Monday October 21st, The Answer Inc and The City of Berwyn, brought you The First Annual - Autism Awareness and Action Day. The day was a double success for The Answer Inc, because it also marked the launch of The Powerful Parents of Autism - Berwyn.
As many of you know, throughout this year, we have really been focused on casting a wider net. With expansions earlier in the year, to The Loretto Hospital… and the recent expansions of our Saturday University programs - to include younger aged children… our latest expansion to to The City of Berwyn is especially great, because we are starting from our place of strength, which is our supportive services.
A variety of vendors, community partners, and interested parents came out to support the event… and Mayor Lovero and our CEO Debra Vines, were among those that got the chance to addressed them.
In the end… the takeaway for all, should be that The Answer Inc’s, Powerful Parents of Autism Support Group, is a - pun intended - powerful start to a promising relationship.
This Episode of Other Community News is brought to you by: The Answer Inc Dream Team.