Happy Healthy Vision Month

In the spirit of Healthy Vision Month… we would like to share a little bit of NEWS YOU CAN USE... from our friends at Optometrists Network, who in a recent article, shares that common autistic behaviors may seem unrelated to vision problems — though truthfully, many of the following behaviors may actually present as a result of reduced vision or visual skills.

-Poor eye contact

-Looking beyond/through objects

-Absence of reciprocal play

-Extreme fear of heights or absence of appropriate fear

-Tracking moving objects accurately

-Maintaining eye contact with people

-Eye alignment (eye turns)

-Keeping their eyes from wandering (amblyopia/lazy eye)

-Light sensitivity

-Head turning (looking at objects from the side of the eyes)

-Fleeting views or rolling eyes

-Visual stimming (flapping fingers in front of eyes)

The article goes on to share how visual problems can have a large impact on the life of a child with austism, and that while common in children with ASD, often go undiagnosed. Reminding us that, if your child displays any of these vision problems contact an eye doctor near you who has experience with vision therapy.

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buzz McBride

Media-Ographer & Community-Builder


Mental Health and Autism


NEWS YOU CAN USE... everybody bounce