Candra Chavda: "Being A Part Of The Answer"

Most Saturdays throughout the year, The Answer Incorporated serves the Autism and Special Needs Community with two of its most needed and well recognized programs:

  1. Spectrum University: A Tutoring Program for Special Needs Young Adults.

  2. MUSIC n ME: A Exercise, Nutrition and Dance Program.

On Saturday, February 24TH, Candra Chavda, The Director of The Music N Me Program was preparing our students for their performance in The City of Bellwood's Annual Black History Celebration - which would take place the following day - Sunday, February 25TH.

On Sunday, after the event was over, I was so GODLY proud of our students for their representation of The Answer Inc - to the Bellwood Community.  We stood tall among the many other students and programs that took the stage and as I reflected back on their performance, I thought that this would be a good time to introduce you to the woman who makes it all happen - Mrs Chavda.  She is such a wonderful person and I couldn't be more honored that she has been "A Part Of The Answer" for such a long time.

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BUZZ: How long have you been with the answer/MnM?

CANDRA:  I have been an instructor for MUSIN n ME  for 8 years. Almost a decade. Wow, time flies when you're having fun, but also when you're with the right organization, parents, and definitely the right students.

BUZZ: What made you get started working with The Answer and Their MUSIC n ME Program?

CANDRA: That's simple. Debra Vines asked me. She is never afraid to ask. I loved her Vision, bringing support  to a community that was lacking resources. So being apart of someone's Vision is very fulfilling. 

BUZZ: Why was it important for you to be a part of the black history month performance?

CANDRA:  I wanted our community to see what people with special needs can do. Everyone is not aware or not around special need individuals, so I wanted to open their eyes to see the similarity.  We all enjoy listening to music. We are all SPECIAL.  Yes, we might not comprehend things the same, but being apart of something special, something that represent Black History, it was only right that "All" people were represented.

BUZZ: How did you and the team prepare?

CANDRA:  Teaching  students with disabilities can be challenging, but extremely rewarding. You have to find the right balance of instruction so success can be achieved. With my students we have to prepare months before an event. Now this is the challenging part. I have to allow my students to shine in their own way. Removing my ideas or expectations that I have for them and allowing them to be themselves...UNIQUE!

BUZZ: How do you feel about the overall performance?

CANDRA: I feel like a pro now. I have high expections for my students and so far they have not let me down. They all shined in their own special way. My students are so remarkable.  Teaching them has made me become a better person.

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed that story, and as part of our commitment to making sure you know; who we arewhat we do, and how you can help... we invite you to VISIT US HERE whenever your spirit moves you - where you can get to know thoughtful, committed citizens like Candra as well as some of our other Program Directors, Board Members, Families, and Community Building Partners who have already made a commitment to "Being A Part of The Answer."

It is commonly believed that if you are not a part of the solution, then you are a part of the problem... or as we like to put it - if you are not being a part of the answer then you are likely to become a part of the problem. My hope is that you will continue "Being A Part Of The Answer" by Opening Your Heart To Autism Today, and supporting THIS YEAR'S WALKATHON.

With state budgets being cut regularly, it is only through your support that we are able to continue in our commitment to being The Best Autism Awareness and Support Agency in the Chicagoland Area and to continue delivering on our promises to the families that we serve.  

Remember that a portion of your contribution is tax deductible and your kindness never goes unrewarded. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at 708- 296-5651.

buzz McBride

Media-Ographer & Community-Builder

Debra Vines: "Being A Part Of The Answer"


Affirmations: The Proud Mother of a Spectrum University Student